+447507648780 Enquires@SimonaPesce.Com


Simona Pesce work is often a response to socio-political events and to concerns regarding ecology, injustice and inequality.

Such concerns are expressed through an eclectic choice of materials, quite often found, recycled or borrowed. She does so in part because of financial reasons, but mainly because she believes that materials have a personal history that are also part of a wider picture. It is for her, also a way to escape from the capitalist system that conditions our daily life.

Her latest installation work, Habitus, is a mixture of figurative and abstract forms, found, borrowed or donated (wool was donated by Woolcool an ecofriendly packaging company) and recycled material, they all come together to create some kind of space in between where one is forced to confront its landscape as much as to confront oneself. To seek for consciousness.

Simona Pesce believes that this is where we stand here today in our socio-political landscape. The constant threat of war, injustice and inequality guided by greed has blinded us from the true meaning of existence and evolution. But in order to evolve and progress in an equal, harmonious and functional society, Simona Pesce believes that rather that pointing the finger at others one has to question oneself by rediscovering those morals and ethics that have shaped our world.